FACS analysis, CD4/CD8 ratio, determination of CD4+CD7- cells
Immunelectrophoresis if necessary
If applicable, HTLV serology
If applicable, Borrelia serology
Immunohistology: CD4-, CD8+, CD45RA+, TIA-1+
Molecular biology: clonal rearrangment of T-cell receptor genes
Sugimoto KJ, Shimada A, Wakabayashi M, et al. CD56-positive adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma: a case report and a review of the literature. Med Mol Morphol. 2015;48(1):54-59.
Kato K, Akashi K. Recent Advances in Therapeutic Approaches for Adult T-cell Leukemia/Lymphoma. Viruses. 2015;7(12):6604-6612.