Aphthoid Pospischill-Feyrter

Last Updated: 2023-07-07

Author(s): Anzengruber F., Navarini A.

ICD11: -

Very severe form of gingivostomatitis herpetica, occurring especially in immunosuppressed children.


Mostly occurring in children, rarely in adults.

Herpes virus infection in an immunodeficiency situation.

Mucous membranes, skin and genital area are often affected. On the face, the corners of the mouth may be affected. Vesicles (vagant aphthoid) often appear on the acra. It spreads towards the edges. Superinfection is common. Reduced AZ.

  • Anamnesis
  • clinic
  • Perhaps biopsy
  • EM
  • Culture
  • PCR
  • Microtrack
  • Rule out meningism
  • Search for immunosuppression if necessary

Oral, genital area, acral.

Healing after 1-2 weeks.

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