Bacterial vaginosis

Last Updated: 2023-07-07

Author(s): Anzengruber F., Navarini A.


Gardner 1955.

Gardnerella vaginalis infection, amine colpitis.

Inbalance of the vaginal flora in favour of obligate anaerobic bacteria and Gardnerella vaginalis.

Frequent, up to 30% prevalence, among sex workers > 50%.

Risk factors are changing sexual partners, regular vaginal douches, etc.

Sexually transmitted infection with Gardnerella vaginalis. The proliferation of gram-negative.

Vulvovaginitis and colpitis with serous, thin, homogeneously whitish (no white stipples), discharge with a fishy odour. Amines are produced by anaerobic bacteria and smell like rotten fish.

  • Anamnesis
    • Unprotected sexual intercourse?
    • Odorous, vaginal discharge?
  • Bact. Smear
  • Urethra smear?
    • Cultural evidence
  • Note diagnostic criteria, namely 3 out of 4:
    1. Thin, homogeneous discharge
    2. High pH > 4.5 (normally the vagina is rather acidic, think Döderlein bacteria)
    3. 10% KOH on a sample of the discharge leads to increased fishy odour
    4. > 20% of the cells are "Clue-Cells"

Vulva, esp. vagina.

  • Chronic inflammation in the vaginal area can favour HIV infection.
  • Risk of premature birth increased by 2 to 4 times.


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