Berloque dermatitis

Last Updated: 2023-07-07

Author(s): Anzengruber F., Navarini A.

ICD11: -

Friend 1916

Rosenthal 1924

Cologne water dermatitis

Phototoxic dermatitis, where the perfume acts as a photosensitizer.

Ingredients of perfumes, soaps, creams/lotions act as photosensitizers. After UV-A radiation, a phototoxic reaction occurs. Moist skin can trigger or intensify this reaction.

In the acute stage, there is erythematous, usually sharply demarcated, sometimes with blistering changes, which later leads to hyperpigmentation.



UV-exposed areas (mostly neck area)

Corresponding to phototoxic dermatitis.

UV protection

Change perfume/soap/cream/lotion.

Alternatively: combination of vitamin A acid/ hydroquinone / hydrocortisone


Healing with hyperpigmentation.

  1. Lautenschlager S, Itin PH. Reticulate, patchy and mottled pigmentation of the neck. Acquired forms. Dermatology. 1998;197(3):291-6.
  2. Jullien D, Prévot G, Wolkenstein P, Roujeau JC, Revuz J. Eruptive nevus in the course of Lyell syndrome. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 1995;122(8):540-2.