Erythema anulare centrifugum

Last Updated: 2023-07-07

Author(s): Anzengruber F., Navarini A.

ICD11: -

Darier 1916


Figured erythema, which is not so much an entity as its pattern of recitation.

A histopathological distinction is made between the superficial type and the profound type. However, this distinction need not and cannot necessarily be made in everyday clinical practice.

  • Neoplasia
  • Infections
  • Drug
  • Allergies
  • Pregnancy
  • Collagenoses

Erythematous, figured, sharply demarcated plaques, some with colllerett-like scaling.



Clinical appearance


Search for triggers (if necessary, tumour exclusion, pregnancy test, allergological clarification)

All in all, any localisation can be affected, but a manifestation on the trunk is particularly common.

There is a dense perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate in the sense of a sleeve-like coating of the superficial or deep vascular plexus. In addition, there is spongiosis (intercellular oedema), parakeratosis (disturbance of the keratinisation process) and hyperkeratosis (thickening of the outer layer of the epidermis)

1.      Ziemer M, Eisendle K, Zelger B. Erythema annulare centrifugum. A clinical reaction pattern Hautarzt. 2010 Nov;61(11):967-72. doi: 10.1007/s00105-010-1976-x. 

2.      Dippel E, Orfanos CE, Zouboulis C. Linear IgA dermatosis presenting with erythema annulare centrifugum lesions: report of three cases in adults. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2001 Mar;15(2):167-70.