Erythema exsudativum multiforme
Last Updated: 2023-07-07
Author(s): Anzengruber F., Navarini A.
ICD11: EB12.Z
Ferdinand v. Hebra 1860
Erythema multiforme, EM, EEM, erythema multiforme of Hebra, cocard erythema, disk rose.
Acute, usually self-limiting, polyaetiological disease characterised by "target-like lesions".
- Division:
- Minor form: no mucosal involvement.
- Major form: with mucosal involvement (up to 70% of patients).
- Incidence: unknown, but estimated well below 1% per annum.
- Peak incidence: 20- 40 yrs.
- M > F
- Possible triggers (combinations also possible)
- Infections
- approx. 90% of all triggers
- Viral
- Herpes simplex virus (HSV) type I (most common trigger)
- HSV type II
- Orf virus
- Parapox virus
- Varicella zoster virus
- Epstein-Barr virus
- Parvovirus B19
- Adenovirus
- Cytomegalovirus
- Coxsackie virus
- Hepatitis B or C- virus
- HI virus
- Bacteria
- Mycoplasma pneumoniae (frequent trigger, especially in children)
- Chlamydophila psittaci
- Salmonella
- Mycobacteria
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Mycoses
- Histoplasma capsulatum
- Dermatophytes
- Medicines (< 10%)
- Sulfonamides
- Antiepileptics
- Antibiotics
- Neoplasia
- Autoimmune diseases
- Vaccinations
- UV-radiation (sunburn)
- Trauma
- Sarcoidosis
- Menstruation
- Possible genetic predisposition: HLA-DQw3, DRw53, AW33, HLA-DQB1*0301, B15(62), B35, and DQ3.
- HSV infection causes cellular immune responses against viral antigens localised in the skin.
- Localisation
- Mostly symmetrical on the extensor sides of the extremities. Spread is centripetal. Face, trunk, palmoplantar, elbows as well as mucous membranes may be affected.
- After an incubation period of 2-3 days, the first skin changes usually appear. In some cases, however, there may be up to 17 days between contact with the trigger and the first appearance of efflorescences.
- Facultative prodromal symptoms may occur:
- ↓ AZ, fever, myalgias
- Cough in M. pneumoniae infection
- There are usually erythematous, often pruritic or burning papules in the above-mentioned localisations, which in the course of time change exanthematously into coquette- and disc-shaped plaques with a characteristic central vesicle. A linear arrangement may be detectable (Köbner phenomenon)
- The area of the mucous membranes shows enanthema, painful erosions or vesicles. Usually only the oral cavity is affected, but in a few cases it can lead to involvement of the pharynx and the upper respiratory organs.
- In most cases, only the oral mucosa is affected. Involvement of the genital mucosa occurs in approx. 25%, ocular involvement in approx. 17%.
- Anamense (infections?, herpes simplex?, cough?, medication?)
- Clinic
- Lab:
- Nonspecific
- Optional: ↑BSG, leukocytosis, ↑ transaminases, HSV serology pos.
- U status
- Mycoplasma pneumoniae
- Biopsy
- Dermatopathology
- Direct immunofluorescence
- Scarless healing, but in some cases with hyperpigmentation, within 2 weeks.
- Very few patients suffer recurrences, some up to 6x per year. The average duration of recurrences is 6-10 years.
Symptomatic therapy.
Topical therapy
- Lotio alba
With mucosal involvement
- Mometasone fuorate cream / solution / ointment
- Clobetasol cream 1-2 dgl (for 1-3 days)
- Kenacort-A paste
- Dynexan mouth gel
- Kamillosan mouth throat spray
Systemic (in severe cases)
- Prednisolone p.o. 25-100 mg 1x tgl.
- Cefuroxime p.o. 500 mg 2x tgl.
In case of pruritus
- Levocetirizine p.o. 5 mg 1x tgl.
- Desloratadine p.o. 5 mg 1x tgl.
- Fexofenadine p.o. 180 mg 1x tgl.
- For frequent recurrences after herpes simplex infection:
- Aciclovir p.o. (10 mg/kg bw/day) for 12 months
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