Mycosis fungoides
Last Updated: 2023-07-07
Author(s): Anzengruber F., Navarini A.
ICD11: 2B01
Most common primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma with low malignancy.
- Incidence: 0,4-0,5/100.000/year
- Occurring from the age of 40
- Men : women = 2 : 1
- Main forms
- Folliculotropic MF
- Pagetoid reticulosis
- Granulomatous slack skin
- Other forms
- Syringotropic MF
- Ichtyhyosiform MF
- Pustular MF
- Interstitial Mf
- Vegetative papillomatous MF
- Bullous MF
- Hyperkeratotic verrucous MF
- Erythrodermic mycosis fungoides
- Palmoplantar MF
- Poikilodermatitic MF
- Hyper- and hypopigmented mycosis fungoides
Persistent stimulation from viruses, bacteria or other external influences is suspected as the cause. There is stimulation and proliferation of a lymphocyte clone with chromosomal instability.
- Mostly the trunk and the flexor sides of the legs and arms are affected
- Patch stage
- Erythematous, sharply circumscribed, pityriasiform or psoriasiform, sometimes confluent macules
- Plaque stage
- Erythematous to purplish-brownish, lichenified plaques, sometimes associated with alopecia
- Tumour stage
- Exophytic, sometimes fungal, erythematous-livid tumours. Often shows erythroderma
- Anamnesis
- Duration?
- Temporal progression?
- B-symptomatology?
- Clinic
- Palpation of all lymph node stations, liver and spleen
- Laboratory
- ESR/CRP, differential blood count (often lymphocytosis and eosinophilia), liver enzymes, creatinine, LDH, electrolytes
- FACS analysis, CD4/CD8 ratio, determination of CD4+CD7- cells
- Immunelectrophoresis if necessary
- If necessary, HTLV serology (especially for patients from abroad)
- If necessary, Borrelia serology
- Frequently elevated
- Lymphocyte differentiation
- FACS analysis: CD4+ cells↑, sometimes CD8+ cells↑
- Sézary -cells (cells with large, indented nucleus of 6-10 μm size and in electron microscopy cerebriform nucleus and glycogen granules in the cytoplasm)?
- At > 1000 cells/μL à Sézary syndrome
- Biopsy
- Immune phenotyping
- Molecular biology: clonal rearrangment of T-cell receptor genes
Staging see latest SOP.
Patch, plaque stage:
- Parakeratosis, possibly acanthosis, exocytosis, atypical lymphocytes with cerebriform nuclei, epidermotropism, Pautrier microabscesses and "lining up" at the dermal-epidermal junction.
Tumour stage:
- Nodular atypical lymphocytic infiltrates. Epidermotropism and Pautrier microabscesses uncommon
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