Significant decline since tetanus vaccination was introduced.
Worldwide 300,000-500,000 cases/year.
The spores of Clostriudium tetanie are mostly localised in the soil and can enter the body e.g. during gardening, injuries caused by foreign bodies or bites. A toxin inhibits the motoneurotic synapses, causing convulsions.
Incubation period: 2-15 days.
Uncharacteristic prodramal stage.
On the face, these spasms can lead to the well-known risus sardonicus (devil's grin); if the back muscles are involved, opisthotonus occurs. Also typical are hardening of the masseter muscles (trismus), neck stiffness, and increased abdominal tension.
Vaccine history.
Detection of spec. antibodies is of no significance for establishing the diagnosis. However, the vaccination titre can be determined to quantify the protective effect of the vaccination.
Wonder supply.
Active vaccination (toxoid vaccine) from 3 months of age a total of 3 vaccinations, booster vaccination every 10 years.
TD PUR vaccine with needle
Passive vaccination (tetanus immunoglobulin): In unvaccinated persons (or where there is uncertainty) post-exposure: Tetagam 250 IU i.m.
Lethality is around 20-50%.
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Tetagam 10000 IU i.m. initially, then 3-6000 IU daily
Cohen PR. Combined Reduced-Antigen Content Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Acellular Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccine-Related Erythema Nodosum: Case Report and Review of Vaccine-Associated Erythema Nodosum. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) 2013;3:191-7.
Cominos D, Strutton G , Busmanis I. Granulomas Associated with Tetanus Toxoid Immunization. The American Journal of Dermatopathology 1993;15:114-7.
Sexton, D. (2016). Tetanus. Retrieved 24 May 2016, from
Rodloff, A. (2016). RKI - RKI-Ratgeber für Ärzte - Tetanus. Retrieved 24 May 2016, from
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